Friday, June 18, 2010

La voyageuse




H&M blouse
Aldo necklace
Vinatge bracelet
Spring sandals (gift from stephanie)


Le décompte peut commencer, je part dans exactement 10 jours pour le magnifique
château de Walt-Disney a Olrando!! Cela fait 20 ans que je n'y ai pas mis les pieds alors
vous pouvezvous imaginez comme je suis follement excitée ! Une vrai enfant!! J'ai déjà
pris en note les outlets,les boutiques de vintage et les marchés aux puces!! Oh oui il y a
toujours un budget pour les vêtements partout ou je vais!! :) Que dire aussi des
photoshoots avec de nouveaux paysages plus exotique! Bon il me reste 9 dodos hihi il
me faudrait un calendrier avec des chocolats pour chaques journée!! :P Vous me croyez
si je vous disais que ma valise est déjà terminée!?


The countdown can begin, in 10 days I'll be in the magnificent castle of Disneyland at
Orlando! You can now imagine how excited I am!! A real child!! I already took the
addresses of all the outlets,thrift stores and flea markets!Oh yeah there is always a
budget for clothes everywhere I go!! What about photoshoots with new exotic landscape!
I just can't wait!! I should have a calendar with chocolates for every day like Christmas
time!! do you believe me if I told you that my suitcase is already packed?!




Alice xoxo


pretty naive said...

à Orlando ? J'y suis allée vers 5-6 ans ! J'en ai de bons souvenirs (pas grand chose mais bon) :)

Ta valise est déjà terminée ?
Là je te dis chapeau ! Je pars dans 12 jours et je n'ai pas encore la moindre idée de ce que je vais y mettre ahah

Anonymous said...

La chanceee !
Je comprend tout à fait le fait que tu fais ta valise une semaine à l'avance : je fais pareil ! J'adore ton short.
Gros bisous, tu es toujours magnifique et tes photos aussi !

glorys melo said...

love that skirt! it seems it mmake your body more symetric

MMM said...

great pics!!
have a look at

Kate said...

I really love your necklace! So pretty! And the hat is so fun - great summer look!

Cily said...

J'aime beaucoup ta capeline!!

IFB said...

Really cute outfit, I love the hat!
Eat, Sleep, Denim <3

Daniela said...

I love your hat and shorts - you always look great

LaSourisTeigneuse said...

ah quelle chance!!!! à coté le disneyland paris fait office de foire du trône lol!je comprends ton excitation : j'en dormirais plus !LOL! sinon très joli duo short+capeline mademoiselle!


IFB said...

This is a very cute outfit and cute pictures!
Eat, Sleep, Denim <3

Kim said...

Hey :)
I hope it's okay that I published some of your photo's on my blog. :)
If not, write me a comment!

Weltenbummlerin. said...

i love the last photo!
but all are amazing! wonderful. u looks so good!

eleanor said...

I love these photos and your beautiful hat!

Your blog is gorgeous.


michelle_ said...

i just found your blog from selective potential !
you really have a lovely blog there !!
im followin !

Sabina said...

I just found your blog and I like it very much, you're so stylish :))

Lynzy said...

Just found your blog from Selective Potential's feature "Guy Behind the Camera". Love your style<3
xo Lynzy

Dea said...

Just found your blog and love it! The outfits are always so great. Have a blast in Disneyworld!!

Lynzy said...

P.S. Now following, follow me?

xo Lynzy

Danielle @ Story of Style said...

Hahaha! You sounds way too adorable with your suitcase already packed. I love that you are channeling your inner child. Have a wonderful vacation. I just found your blog on "The Guy Behind the Camera" feature. Love it! I'm a new follower!!

Leah Brunner said...

this is a gorgeous outfit! and the photos are lovely as well

Louise (Fifth Sparrow) said...

Just came over to your blog because of Tieka's post and I'm instantly in love with your blog! It's so sweet and I can instantly see myself wearing all of your outfits (love that!) New follower... I'll definitely be back a lot! xx

The Pocket Stylist said...

I happened to stumble upon your gorg blog today and now I am hooked. Your style is perfection and right up my alley I cannot get enough so now I am following.